Harira is one of the most famous cuisine in Moroccan cuisine, along with couscous, rafissa, tajine and other Moroccan dishes.
Al-Harira increases in the month of Ramadan, which is considered one of the most important meals at breakfast time in villages and cities.
No one is ignorant of the Moroccan harira, so tourists know it well and demand it in popular restaurants in cities and fine restaurants near the sea, in malls and in hotels.
In villages, the children move around their mothers preparing the harira for taste, as they are fasting and give their children some harira to taste.
It consists of a famous drink of flour, water and vegetables with the addition of meat or eggs, chickpeas, lentils, metalus and also a little spices.
Cook the ingredients in a saucepan, add to the amount of flour and water and stir well until it takes a color that tends to yellow, and is served.
The history of Harira dates back to the Andalusian state but is on the throne of Ramadan food. It is served with dates, eggs or Moroccan "shabakia" and in some areas served with hot bread and boiled eggs.
The calf is presented in a circular bowl called "Zlafa", whose carvings, shapes and colors vary from region to region. This is in addition to attending weddings, events and family gatherings.
Historians say it is of Andalusian origin, found hundreds of years ago, spread in Algeria and Morocco. But it has known several developments until it became as it is now, and vary from one region to another, there is the Persian Fierce compared to the city of Fez, and Marrakech compared to the city of Marrakech, and the emotional ratio to the city of Oujda.
Al-Harira is sold in popular restaurants for three dirhams, and it can cost them in some fine restaurants to 30.
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